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USBDeviceBeginControlOut Method (Byte, Byte, Int32, Int32, AsyncCallback, Object)

Initiates an asynchronous control transfer without a data stage over the default control endpoint. The request should have an OUT direction (specified by the highest bit of the requestType parameter). The setup packets' length member will be set to zero.

Namespace:  MadWizard.WinUSBNet
Assembly:  WinUSBNet (in WinUSBNet.dll) Version: (
public IAsyncResult BeginControlOut(
	byte requestType,
	byte request,
	int value,
	int index,
	AsyncCallback userCallback,
	Object stateObject


Type: SystemByte
The setup packet request type. The request type must specify the OUT direction (highest bit cleared).
Type: SystemByte
The setup packet device request.
Type: SystemInt32
The value member in the setup packet. Its meaning depends on the request. Value should be between zero and 65535 (0xFFFF).
Type: SystemInt32
The index member in the setup packet. Its meaning depends on the request. Index should be between zero and 65535 (0xFFFF).
Type: SystemAsyncCallback
An optional asynchronous callback, to be called when the control transfer is complete. Can be null if no callback is required.
Type: SystemObject
A user-provided object that distinguishes this particular asynchronous operation. Can be null if not required.

Return Value

Type: IAsyncResult
An IAsyncResult object representing the asynchronous control transfer, which could still be pending.
This method always completes immediately even if the operation is still pending. The IAsyncResult object returned represents the operation and must be passed to EndControlTransfer(IAsyncResult) to retrieve the result of the operation. For every call to this method a matching call to EndControlTransfer(IAsyncResult) must be made. When userCallback specifies a callback function, this function will be called when the operation is completed. The optional stateObject parameter can be used to pass user-defined information to this callback or the IAsyncResult. The IAsyncResult also provides an event handle (AsyncWaitHandle) that will be triggered when the operation is complete as well.
See Also